Sonntag, 15. April 2007

English Task 2


London (L.DEG.). Last night a burglary had happened in Grintalley, which ended in a gunfight. The night from 16.4 to 17.4 two men and a boy about ten years got into Mr. Brownlow’s house. Mr. Brownlow is the owner of a big bookshop.

At midnight the burglars broke into his house. But the burglaries were disturbed by the housekeeper Mrs. Bedwin, who had became awaked by a loud noise.
As she saw the burglaries she began to cry for Mr. B. In this moment she recognized the young boy.
It was Oliver Twist, who had lived at their house for a couple of days, and who was suddenly maltreated without a trace.
Now everything went on very fast. The boy wanted to escape form the burglaries, a shot felt and the boy lay hurt on the floor.
During that Mr. Brownlow had risen and was coagulated to the entrance. But he could only see how the burglaries ran away with the boy.

Mrs.Bedwin stood still under shock: “It was so horrible. Oh my little Oliver is hurt now, somewhere with these terrible burglars in the dark. And maybe he will die. Oh, my god! I can’t help him.”
We asked Mr. Brownlow, if he believes that the boy had broken into the house voluntarily:
“No, no, no, never! He is such a lovely boy. I’m sure he was forced to do it.”

Now the police are searching for two men at about 40 and a hurt boy, called Oliver Twist. Maybe the boy is dead.
The police would be glad for any information
by Larissa and me
Words: 268