Mittwoch, 26. September 2007

Giuliani forced into climdown

Giuliani forced into climdown

My own summary:

A museum (NY) got problems with the mayor Giuliani, because of an art exhibition, where an artist provoked with a picture (Virgin Mary adorned with elephant dung). When the Museum refused to withdraw the work the Mayor withhold the funding. It ended in a legal battle, which was won by the Museum.

words: 51

Summary by the class:

There has been a legal battle between Mayor Giuliani and Brooklyn Museum about Ofili’s Virgin Mary in the sensations exhibition. He threatened to withhold the funding and to evict them. The museum won because of the fight to free speech after six months and he gave in.

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The letter:

Dear Editor!

I read your article about Giuliani and the art exhibition in New York.
I must admit that I was really shocked when I read the article. But it wasn’t because of the picture. I dislike Giuliani. He seems not to be a very tolerant person, doesn’t he?
In my opinion he exaggerated and I also think it was illegitimate to withhold the funding.
I agree with the Museum.
In our world are different kinds of art and everyone likes another one best. I have no problem with “shocking art”. Sure, it isn’t me favourite, but I am not against it. If someone dislikes “shocking art”, he/she hasn’t to visit a “shocking art exhibition”.
Art should be free and nobody should be able to forbid this sort of expression. That applies to Giuliani too.
Of course there are situations where it’s better to make an exception, but this does not apply to Chris Ofili’s Virgin Mary.


words: 157