Freitag, 22. Februar 2008


Violence in movies is a controversial topic, which splits the opinions into very different parts. There are the violent movie lover, who needs the violence for some action and this special adventure felling, and the detractor, who would like to forbid it this minute.

There are three arguments which argue to a ban on violent movies.
First, we can say, that so much violence in movies is not realistic anymore. If we look at the most violent movies, we notice, that the violence is exaggrated and dramatise and there is no real-life-violence any more. For example Kill Bill. Second, non violent movies are successful, too. There are many other things that make a movie into a successful one. In most cases violence, special unrealistic violence isn’t necessary. The last of the three arguments is that one of the “Theories of violence” say, that violence is something that we learn. We hear about violence, see it, e.g. in movies, experience it and imitate it.

There are also a few arguments against such a ban.
One argument is that the majority of people don’t get violent, because of the movies. It’s not correct to generalise it. In addition, most are so unrealistic that a normal person doesn’t copy it. Finally we can say that we don’t turn into a non violent society just because we don’t show violence. Violence will always be a part of our world and it won’t disappear, just because of a ban on violent movies.

So, if we look at all these arguments it’s difficult to say, what would be the better way. Everyone has to come to his own decision.