Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008


It’s not easy to describe your own style, especially when you think you haven’t one. How to describe what you are, if you aren’t tend to a special group and never think about your “style” before? Now I have to do that and I’ll try.

My clothes and my hairstyle are very simple. I think I wear “normal” things. I never wear flashy clothes, no gaudy colours like pink or yellow. I like black, white, grey, brown and sometimes crimson. I never dye my hair or use slides or hair bands. I just wear my hair straight or sometimes a ponytail. I also have a fringe. Maybe some people thing a look boring. But for special events I like to dress me up glamorous, but not for workaday life.

Music is something that can tell a lot about a person and his/her style or behaviour. It’s nearly impossible to say what kind of music I like, because unlike most people, music means nearly nothing to me. But if I listen to music it’s nearly everything. Of cause there are kinds of music I prefer, like Indie, Rock, or Soundtracks. I’m not really into Hip Hop and Techno, although I’m open for new. Music just has to be up with my temper.

I have a clear outlook of life. In terms of politic I am very liberal, neither right nor left. In my opinion everyone should have an aim to fight for. We have just one life and we should use it for whatever we want. But when we are old and we look back we should be able to say: “I made bad and good things, but I learned a lot. I am who I want to be and I didn’t blow my life.”

There are so many things which influence us and make us who we are. In my opinion there are tree things which make me Anna. First, are the media,
advertisement, and many trendsetters. I really belief, that subconscious all this let my wear certain clothes and buy special products, even if I don’t want to. The second are my fellow men and my circumstances. If all that would change, I’m sure I also would. And the last one is all the people I love, my family and friends make me who I am, because they are an important part of me.

I think I found my lifestyle. Maybe it will change in my life a few times, but at the moment I’m happy how I am.