Samstag, 3. Mai 2008

second exam correction

Writing task:

Violence in our world and in the media is a controversial topic. It’s everywhere, in movies, schools and also in some families. But where are the problems and what can we do?

Michael Medved is an opponent of violent movies and there are some ideas I agree, but also one I disagree with. He says that Hollywood tells us four big lies. The first one is that only a few people are influenced by these movies. I totally agree with Michael Medved, who thinks that there enough copycat killers. There are always some who believe that it’s funny to shoot someone just because a movie shows it like this. In my opinion also the second argument of the advocates is a big lie. Medved claims that it’s absolutely wrong to argue that violent in movies only show the reality. Reality isn’t like this. For example, nearly no one saw a real murder, but everyone watches hundreds of them on TV. In addition, it’s also absolute rubbish that only violent movies are successful, which is (like Medved think) the third big lie. I also agree with this point. If we look at the most really successful movies we can find mainly family or romantic movies, for example “The Lion King”. Finally, there is one lie left and in contrast to the others I disagree with Medved’s at this lie. Hollywood claims, that nobody is forced to watch violent movies. The argument of Medved is that we don’t have to watch it to know what kind of horrible things happen. But I think that it’s not the same. There is a difference between watching this films and hear about it.

We also have to wonder why we are living in a violent society. First, I think that violence is something we learn. Children learn from their parents and their surroundings. In addition, it’s also an instinct. People always were violent and they will be. Maybe violence is something to save our lives. Morover, violence is a reaction. If someone is violent to someone else, it is to expect that one day the victim also gets violent.

If we look at our children, we can notice that also there is a lot of violence. In my opinion there are two things to do, which can stop or reduce that. First we have to stop showing violence on TV. Children should not be allowed to watch that. And the other one is,, that we have to be better role models and show them what is right and wrong.

To conclude, I want to say, that we have to be aware of violence and we should protect our children for a better world.

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