Freitag, 21. November 2008


The country lifestyles and the city lifestyles have a lot of differences. Both have positive and negative sides. In my opinion there are four fundamental varieties. Let my discuss the facts about these lifestyles below.

The first difference is the outdoor surrounding. When you leave your house in the country you’re in nature. There are trees and other small houses. However in a city there are nearly no “real nature” left. There you can find big and high buildings next to busy streets. But most cities have parks, where you can go and enjoy nature whenever you want. On the other hand the air will always be different. While the air in the country in fresh, the air in the city is full of exhaust gases and stench, which takes me to the next big difference.
Townsmen and countrymen have different requirement of locomotion, what influences the traffic. For example, without a car in the country can be a problem. There are further distances between e.g. shops. The national traffic system isn’t as good as in the city, where buses and the metro drive more often and till late in the night. This is very important if we look at the lack of parking area and the jams.
Another difference between country and city is the crime. It is certain that the city life is in most cases more dangerous than country life. Because differ from the quiet and mostly innocent country, in cities live many people of every social class. Sure, in countries can be crimes to and it can happed every time and everywhere, but in general the city life is seen as the “dangerous life”.
The last difference is the entertainment. Cities are full with it. There are many, many museums, restaurants, concerts, exhibitions, bars or whatever you looking fore. Cities can give you many different cultures. In contrast to the cities is it difficult to find entertainment you really like in countries. You haven’t as much choice as in a metropolis. Countries often have a lack of diversity.

To conclude I just want to say, that I would like both. In my opinion it’s a question of the age. City life can be wonderful if you are young and interested in culture and change. But in the childhood or old age I would prefer the country with the meadow in front of the house. But in the end you have to feel you at home.

1 Kommentar:

Guenter hat gesagt…

expression: There are a lot of differences between ...
variety = the characteristic of frequently changing and being different
differences: the way in which two or more things which you are comparing are not the same
expression: "Umwelt" - the surroundings / the environment; Blöcke --> multi-storey blocks of flats, Mobilität = mobility ('locomotion' is not a good word), [es ist sicher, dass ...] it's a fact that ..., there's not doubt that ..., "in countries" = in Ländern / 'in the country" = auf dem Land, to / too (auch),
argumentation: A bit strange: "You are in nature. There are trees and small houses." --> But small houses are not very natural, are they?
sentence structure: Being without a car can be ...; to feel at home (not 'you')
Incomprehensible: "Because differ from the quiet and mostly innocent country, in cities live many people of every social class." ?, "Cities can give you many different cultures." ?,
Grammar: it can happen
comma: To conclude, ...; Finally, ...; First, ...; etc. - No comma before 'that' (normally).