Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008

Letter of complaint --> sexist advertisement

Gartenstraße 24
A- 6840 Götzis

December 4th, 2008

RTL Television GmbH
50858 Köln

Dear RTL- Team,

advertisements you broadcast

I am often watching your channel. But I had to notice that you broadcast many dubious advertisements since a few weeks. I want to complain about how you present women in such advertisements and how you create a wrong image.

A large percentage of the advertisements you broadcast are things for women, which should help them to look younger, slimmer, and fresher. Is this the only way to look good? We can see many semi-nude girls with a perfect (of cause retouching) body, which has nearly nothing to do with a natural look anymore. There are unnatural men too, but not as intensive as women.

Do you know what you are doing to many young girls? You create a wrong idea of how they should look like and so many poor girls try to reach this impossible look. I’m sorry to say this, but things like that are blame for beauty craze, more and more plastic surgeries and anorexia. Women lose their self-confidences and lose their ways. And also men start to believe that a woman should/can look like this, which is even worse. In my opinion such advertisements are sexist and discriminative.

I can only try to talk to people like you. I hope I present my concern understandable and I would be very glad, if you decide to limit this kind of advertisements.

Yours sincerely,

Anna De Gaspari

1 Kommentar:

Guenter hat gesagt…

often --> present simple signal!
advertisement --> on TV: commercial
for + period / since + point in time --> Both often go with present perfect! Check what you used!
retouchieren = retouch
"to look fresh"? You can speak of a fresh complexion (face) however.
adverb / adjective - intensive(ly)? --> frequent(ly), dominant(ly)
They are to blame for ....
plastic surgery --> an uncountable noun - so there's no plural
"to lose one's way" --> meaning??
discriminative?? --> discriminating
I hope I've presented ....
to present something clearly (verständlich)
I would be ... if you decided ...
these kinds of advertisements / commercials

The letter is well-structures. Stylisticially (register) it is good, too. Some grammar and vocabulary mistakes, however.
In this type of text it's important to have convincing arguments and to support one's opinion really well (e.g. also by giving examples). So this is an aspect that you could also focus on a bit. The length of the letter limits what is possible here, however.