Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009

Opinion essay

Is it important that people stay informed? (Newspaper, TV…)

News is everywhere. News becomes old very fast, so we have every single day new ones. Newspapers and TV publish all about society, politics, stars, fashion, culture and much, much more into the world in a few moments. But is it really important to stay informed? Yes, of course and in the following paragraphs I’ll try to explain why.

The first advantage on news is that we can use it for conversations. It’s much easier to find a topic of conversation, when we know what’s going on in the world. Moreover you should be able to form an opinion about different topics, what is nearly impossible if you have no idea about the topic itself. For example, if your employer ask you what you think about the happenings in Iraq, it would be quite embarrassing to know nothing about it. To have no idea about different topics and as a result no concrete opinion, can say much about your personality. You seem uninterested and maybe boring. If you stay informed it appears open minded and more modern.

The second point is that news gives an outline about changes and your surroundings. Time goes fast, everything is changing and it can be exhausting to be aware of all the fast moving incidents. Consequently we have to be careful that we aren’t drop behind. Everything flows and nothing stands still. We have to accommodate to this flow, otherwise we risk getting lost in a speedy society. News keeps us up-to-date and helps us to get the awareness of this change and recognise the consequences.

Finally, especially news about politics is really important, because of the responsibility we all have as a member of a democratic state. In my opinion, it’s important to know what’s going on in the own and also in other countries. What are the main problems? How should they be solved? And so on. Most of it is presented by the news, which gives us the information we need to think about it and decide which party goes along with our beliefs. Due to the fact that I think that a dutiful person goes to the polls, it is necessary to stay informed and also think about these information.

To conclude, I suggest, that there is less and more important news, generally. But even if you are not able to follow every piece of news, you should try to stay informed. Because as a intelligent person of our time with a rapid change, you have to know what people talking about, built your own opinion and be aware of the incidents around you. News can help you not to drop behind.

words: 442

Sonntag, 22. Februar 2009

Graph description

This graph gives us a comparison of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the period 1980 - 2005. Years are indicated on the X-axis whereas the Y-axis expresses the DJIA. In general there was an upward trend over the period. It shows a steady increase in the DJIA until 2000, especially from 1995 till 2000, where you can find rapid rise. But 2000 followed an abrupt drop till 2003-2004. However the DJIA stabilised and start to increase again.

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009


Dear Mrs. Gilhooley,

Application for the midwife position

I am writing to apply for the midwife position, which was advertised on the Daly News. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certificate, my resume and two references.
I am very interested in this job and I think it would fit in with my education, skills and experiences.

I just finished my education at the FH Hatfield, where I could gain experiences in the areas of pregnancy care, birth and post-care, due to the very practice related education. I did different placements in the Hatfield hospital. More about the placements you can find at my resume and one of the references.
I am especially interested in maternity ward and childbed. One of my reasons for my applying is that your clinic practice alternative medicine like acupressure. My compulsory optional subject was Chinese Tuina Therapy and I would be glad if I would have the possibility to practice that.

I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached anytime via my cell phone 0074/34948577. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Anna De Gaspari